I Can Campaign – Empowering Through Exercise – Noel Can Walk 9km a Day!
Today I Can, maybe tomorrow You Can too! Today marks the first day of Siel Bleu’s first awareness week “I Can” Empowering Older Adults Through
Today I Can, maybe tomorrow You Can too! Today marks the first day of Siel Bleu’s first awareness week “I Can” Empowering Older Adults Through
Today I Can, maybe tomorrow You Can too! Today’s I Can Champion is the incomparable Jennifer Sweeney. Jennifer Sweeney, 73, always
Today I Can, maybe tomorrow You Can too! Thelma Foley is 77 and lives close to the sea cost in North Dublin.
Today I Can, maybe tomorrow You Can too! The Men’s Shed in Swords is a part of the widely successful Men’s Shed Movement
Today I Can, maybe tomorrow You Can too! At age 93, Phyllis Ryan has lived a full life. Currently residing in a nursing
This is the second “Meet the Trainers” post and this week focuses on Craig O’Connor! He has been a trainer with Siel Bleu for just
Do something today that your future self will thank you for! Beginning to exercise can seem like a demanding lifestyle change. It’s hard to break
Chances are, if you have heard of Siel Bleu, you know how important exercise is, especially for older adults. Exercise is a preventative medicine that
The slogan of the WHO World Health Day 2018 is “health for all.” The idea of “health for all” aligns well with Siel Bleu’s ethos
Our bodies are designed to live 110 years. Yet as we reach our mature (and more wiser) years of life, we begin to slow down
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