I Can Campaign – Empowering Through Exercise – Thelma Can Stay Out Of Hospital!
Today I Can, maybe tomorrow You Can too! Thelma Foley is 77 and lives close to the sea cost in North Dublin.
Today I Can, maybe tomorrow You Can too! Thelma Foley is 77 and lives close to the sea cost in North Dublin.
Today I Can, maybe tomorrow You Can too! The Men’s Shed in Swords is a part of the widely successful Men’s Shed Movement
Today I Can, maybe tomorrow You Can too! At age 93, Phyllis Ryan has lived a full life. Currently residing in a nursing
Goal Setting A Road Map Wherever you go in life, you need a direction. Maybe you are trying to recover from an illness or injury,
David From Firhouse Men’s Shed Shares A Piece For Men’s Health Week All this week we have been celebrating Men’s Health Week, and to continue
Siel Bleu Ireland – FAQ about Exercise for older people Here are Siel Bleu Ireland, we get so many questions from our participants and from
This is the second “Meet the Trainers” post and this week focuses on Craig O’Connor! He has been a trainer with Siel Bleu for just
All our lives we are told to eat our fruits and vegetables, yet so many of us don’t. Are fruits and vegetables even really that
Celebrating the vital role volunteers play with Siel Bleu Ireland on National Volunteering Week This week is National Volunteering Week (14th – 20th May), a
The Minister for older people and Mental Health, Jim Daly TD visits Our exercise, COPD & Me class to experience the programmes for himself A
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